Zásady ochrany osobních údajů

Zde na millionaireflirt.com jdeme opravdu kupředu. Níže nalezneš naše zásady ochrany osobních údajů, které si můžeš kdykoliv prohlédnout. Pokud jsi členem, který používá naše stránky, pak by jsi se měl(a) ujistit, že souhlasíš se všemi našimi podmínkami.

Zásady ochrany osobních údajů

Datum aktualizace: 1. září 2024

Zásady ochrany osobních údajů společnosti First Beat Media

Vítejte na stránce Zásady ochrany osobních údajů společnosti First Beat Media („Zásady“)! Naše Zásady vysvětlují, jak shromažďujeme, uchováváme, chráníme a sdílíme vaše údaje a s kým je sdílíme. Doporučujeme vám si Zásady přečíst společně s našimi Podmínkami použití.

Při používání našich mobilních aplikací (včetně verze pro počítače) (dále jen „aplikace“), našich webových stránek a mikrostránek nebo při používání našich digitálních produktů a služeb (v těchto Zásadách ochrany osobních údajů společně označovaných jako „Naše stránky“) o vás shromažďujeme určité informace. Navíc se můžete rozhodnout, že budete aplikaci nebo stránky používat ke sdílení informací s dalšími uživateli, včetně svých přátel a kontaktů (dále jen „Uživatelé“). Někdy také můžeme potřebovat sdílet vaše údaje.

Aplikace a Stránky jsou celosvětové a vaše údaje budou odesílány a používány ve Spojených státech a Velké Británii bez ohledu na zemi, ve které máte bydliště. Tyto Zásady vysvětlují, jak chráníme vaše osobní údaje při jejich přenosu do zahraničí, proto si je pečlivě přečtěte!

Kdo jsme

Aplikace a Stránky provozuje společnost „First Beat Media Group“ (v těchto zásadách označovaná také jako „my“ nebo „nás“), která zahrnuje společnosti First Beat Media LLC, Beano Publishing LLC, Online Connections Inc., Infinite Connections Inc., Chat Connections Inc., Real Deal Marketing, Dating Media Group, ODS Online Dating Systems LTD, Elite Marketing Solutions Inc., Hello Singles Inc., Dating Ahead Inc., Date Tek Inc., Nearby Connections Inc. a NB Social Inc., které jsou správci osobních údajů shromažďovaných a zpracovávaných prostřednictvím Aplikace a Stránek First Beat Media.

Společnost First Beat Media Group jmenovala pověřence pro ochranu osobních údajů, kterého lze kontaktovat e-mailem na adrese dpo@firstbeatmedia.com nebo poštou na následující adrese:

FBM Online Connections Limited
1 Elmfield Park
Greater London BR1 1LU, Velká Británie


Vyhrazujeme si právo aktualizovat nebo upravovat tyto Zásady ochrany osobních údajů kdykoliv a bez předchozího upozornění, ale můžete obdržet upozornění, jakmile aktualizaci provedeme. Z tohoto důvodu vám doporučujeme kontrolovat tyto zásady pravidelně, a obzvláště předtím, než poskytnete jakékoliv informace. Tyto Zásady ochrany osobních údajů byly naposledy aktualizovány k datu uvedenému výše. Vaše další používání Služby po provedení jakékoliv změny těchto Zásad ochrany osobních údajů značí váš souhlas s podmínkami revidovaných Zásad ochrany osobních údajů.

Jak nás kontaktovat

Nejjednodušší a nejrychlejší způsob, jak se s námi spojit, je použít naši online stránku Kontaktuj nás.

Pokud nás chcete kontaktovat poštou, napište nám na adresu:

Elite Marketing Solutions
Attn: Data Protection Officer
6919 W. Broward Blvd. #270
Plantation, FL 33317

Důležité informace

Společnost v USA:
Dating Media Group
Platby se zobrazí jako: DATINGCUSTSERV.COM
304 Indian Trace #182
Weston, FL 33326

Mezinárodní společnost:
ODS Online Dating Systems LTD
Platby se zobrazí jako: ODSSUPPORT.COM
Dimokratias 31, 2nd Floor, Office 201
8028 Paphos


Registrační údaje

Při stažení aplikace a vytvoření účtu (dále jen „účet“) o vás můžeme shromažďovat určité informace (dále jen „Registrační údaje“), jako například:

  • Jméno;
  • Uživatelské jméno;
  • E-mailová adresa;
  • Mobilní číslo;
  • Genderová identita;
  • Datum narození;
  • Sexuální preference;
  • Fotky;
  • Umístění; a
  • Přihlašovací údaje k účtům na sociálních sítích, pomocí kterých se registrujete (může jít například o účet na Facebooku).

Jakmile se zaregistrujete, tyto informace si budete moct kdykoli zkontrolovat a změnit po přihlášení na naše stránky (kromě data narození a polohy, jelikož tento údaj se automaticky aktualizuje na základě polohy vašeho zařízení, pokud jste nám k ní v nastavení zařízení poskytli přístup). Vaší odpovědností je zajistit, aby vaše údaje byly stále aktuální. Pokud se vaše telefonní číslo změní, ujistěte se, že jste jej ve svém účtu aktualizovali.

U uživatelů, kteří jsou obyvateli Kalifornie, spadají údaje, které můžeme shromažďovat, do následujících kategorií „osobních údajů“, jak je definuje kalifornský zákon o ochraně soukromí spotřebitelů (CCPA):

  1. Identifikátory, jako je jméno a umístění;
  2. Osobní údaje, jak je definuje kalifornský zákon o evidenci zákazníků, jako jsou kontaktní údaje (včetně e-mailu a telefonního čísla) a finanční údaje;
  3. Charakteristiky chráněných klasifikací podle kalifornských nebo federálních zákonů (pokud se je rozhodnete uvést), jako je věk, genderová identita, rodinný stav, sexuální orientace, rasa, původ, národnost, náboženství a zdravotní stav;
  4. Obchodní informace, například informace o transakcích a historii nákupů;
  5. Biometrické údaje;
  6. Informace o činnosti na internetu nebo v síti, jako je historie procházení a interakce s našimi Stránkami a Aplikacemi;
  7. Geolokační informace, jako je poloha mobilního zařízení;
  8. Zvukové, elektronické, vizuální a podobné informace, jako jsou fotky a videa;
  9. Informace týkající se profese nebo zaměstnání, jako je profesní historie a předchozí zaměstnavatel;
  10. Neveřejné informace o vzdělání; a
  11. závěry vyvozené z jakýchkoli výše uvedených osobních údajů za účelem vytvoření profilu nebo shrnutí, například o preferencích a vlastnostech jedince.

Profilové údaje

Doporučujeme vám (a stejně tak všem našim členům), abyste si pečlivě rozmysleli, jaké informace o sobě zveřejníte. Zároveň nedoporučujeme, abyste na svém profilu uváděli e-mailové adresy, internetové adresy, údaje o rychlých zprávách, telefonní čísla, celá jména nebo adresy, údaje o kreditních kartách, čísla občanských průkazů, údaje o řidičských průkazech a další citlivé informace, které mohou být předmětem zneužití.

Pokud o sobě zveřejňujete informace nebo používáte funkci zasílání zpráv ke komunikaci s ostatními uživateli, množství osobních údajů, které sdílíte, je na vlastní odpovědnost. Další informace o tom, kdo má přístup k tomu, co zveřejňujete na našich stránkách, naleznete v níže uvedené části 4.

Informace o ověření profilu (včetně biometrických údajů)

Z důvodu zajištění bezpečnosti a pro zajištění co nejlepšího uživatelského zážitku vyžadujeme, aby Uživatelé ověřili své účty. Případně vás požádáme o vaše telefonní číslo a také vás můžeme požádat, abyste provedli ověření fotkou. Chceme se jen ubezpečit, že nejste robot! Také chceme zabránit vytváření falešných účtů, které mohou být zneužity ke škodlivým aktivitám a kybernetické kriminalitě – ohrožují totiž naši síť a kazí ji všem. Toto ověření můžeme vyžadovat z důvodu prevence podvodů. Svou fotku můžete ověřit také dobrovolně (získáte tím modrý odznak na profil značící status „ověřeno“).

Pokud se rozhodnete svou profilovou fotku ověřit, naskenujeme každou fotku, kterou nám pošlete. Při skenování může být použita technologie rozpoznávání obličeje, abychom mohli porovnat vámi předloženou fotku s vaší profilovou fotkou a přesvědčit se, že jste tím, za koho se vydáváte. Ověřovací fotky do vašeho profilu nevkládáme. Skeny uchováváme, aby vás bylo možné v budoucnu ověřit, a také za účelem vedení našich záznamů, dokud je to pro tyto účely nutné, nebo po dobu tří let od vaší poslední interakce s námi, podle toho, co nastane dříve. Po uplynutí příslušné doby uchovávání podnikneme komerčně přiměřené kroky k trvalému a bezpečnému odstranění skenů z našich systémů.

Informace o nákupech

Pokud se rozhodnete koupit některou z našich prémiových služeb, zpracujeme vaše platební údaje a bezpečně je uchováme pro účely předcházení podvodům a pro účely auditu/daňových kontrol.

Společnost First Beat Media používá automatizovaná řešení, aby zabránila zpracování podvodných platebních transakcí v rámci svých postupů proti podvodům. K tomu účelu naše systémy kontrolují platební transakce z hlediska chování, které naznačuje porušení našich podmínek používání. Pokud transakce splňuje určitá kritéria, která nasvědčují tomu, že Pravidla a podmínky používání byly pravděpodobně porušeny a transakce je pravděpodobně podvodná, může být příslušná transakce automaticky zablokována. Pokud je transakce zablokována, uživatel bude informován o tom, že jeho transakce nemůže být zpracována, a dotyčný se může obrátit na naši zákaznickou podporu, aby rozhodnutí napadl.

Mějte na paměti, že pokud je váš účet z jakéhokoli důvodu zablokován, mohou být v rámci našich postupů proti spamu a podvodům zablokovány i všechny vaše účty na jiných stránkách/platformách/aplikacích, které nám patří.

Geolokační informace pro používání našich Aplikací

Pokud jste nám v nastavení svého zařízení povolili přístup ke své poloze, budeme shromažďovat informace o přístupových bodech WiFi a další informace o vaší zeměpisné délce a šířce a souřadnice vašeho zařízení můžeme uložit, abychom vám mohli nabídnout určité funkce. Tyto informace nám pomáhají identifikovat vaši fyzickou polohu a používáme je k personalizaci Služeb a usnadnění vaší interakce s ostatními Uživateli tím, že umožňují zobrazení obecných informací o lokalitě Uživatelům, kteří vidí váš profil, a zobrazují vám profily ostatních Uživatelů, kteří se nacházejí ve vaší blízkosti.

Pokud jste nám povolili přístup ke své poloze, ale chcete jej vypnout, můžete tak učinit následovnými způsoby:

  1. Aplikace pro iPhone – Nastavení, Soukromí a zabezpečení, Polohové služby, název stažené aplikace
  2. Aplikace pro Android – Nastavení, Polohové služby, název stažené aplikace, Povolení, Poloha

Údaje o zařízení

Při používání služeb můžeme shromažďovat informace o vašem zařízení, včetně jedinečného identifikátoru zařízení, modelu zařízení a operačního systému, a to pro řadu účelů, jak je uvedeno v těchto Zásadách. Navíc, pokud nám to povolíte, můžeme přistupovat k adresáři vašeho zařízení výhradně za účelem přidání osoby do vašich kontaktů.


Můžeme sledovat, jakým způsobem komunikujete s odkazy dostupnými na našich stránkách, včetně služeb třetích stran, prostřednictvím přesměrování kliknutí nebo jinými prostředky. Můžeme sdílet souhrnné statistiky kliknutí, například kolikrát bylo kliknuto na určitý odkaz.


Obsah zpráv poslaných na Webech nebo v Aplikacích prověřujeme, abychom zjistili témata, nálady a trendy mezi našimi uživateli. Obsah zpráv uživatelů ani informace, které z nich získáme, nesdílíme s žádnou třetí stranou.

Příběhy o úspěších, Průzkumy a další Příspěvky

Čas od času provádíme průzkumy pro potřeby výzkumu a můžeme vás kontaktovat, abychom zjistili, zda se jich chcete zúčastnit. Můžeme vás také kontaktovat, abychom zjistili, jestli chcete poskytnout zpětnou vazbu, referenci nebo se zúčastnit marketingových kampaní (například pokud nám dáte vědět, že jste si našli partnera, můžeme vás kontaktovat s dotazem, zda byste byli ochotni se objevit v reklamě). Takové průzkumy a marketingové kampaně jsou nepovinné a další informace vám budou poskytnuty v místě kontaktu. Pokud si nepřejete být kontaktováni za účelem účasti v průzkumu nebo marketingové kampani, kontaktujte náš tým zákaznické podpory.

Když se obrátíte na zákaznickou podporu

Pokud se na náš tým zákaznické podpory obrátíte prostřednictvím našeho formuláře, obdržíme vaši e-mailovou adresu a můžeme sledovat vaši IP adresu, jakož i informace, které nám zašlete, abychom vám pomohli vyřešit váš dotaz. Záznamy o komunikaci s vámi, včetně stížností, které od vás obdržíme na jiné uživatele (a od jiných uživatelů na vás), budeme uchovávat po dobu 5 let od výmazu vašeho účtu.

Soubory Cookie a obdobné technologie

Když navštívíte naše Stránky nebo použijete naši Aplikaci, můžeme od vás automaticky shromažďovat osobní údaje pomocí souborů cookie nebo podobných technologií. Soubor cookie je malý soubor, který může být umístěn ve vašem zařízení nebo prohlížeči a který nám umožňuje rozpoznat a zapamatovat si vás.

Pokud se chcete dozvědět více o souborech cookie, včetně toho, jak je používáme a jaké možnosti máte při jejich používání k dispozici, přečtěte si naše Zásady používání souborů cookie.


Účelem vaší registrace na našich platformách je najít nové spojení s ostatními členy a my vám v tom nemůžeme pomoci, aniž bychom získali nějaké údaje jak o vás, tak o typu člověka, kterého hledáte. Prostřednictvím vašich každodenních aktivit na Stránkách budeme také shromažďovat další informace o vašem používání a použití členů ve vašem okolí v naději na nalezení protějšku. Níže se podrobněji věnujeme údajům, které shromažďujeme, ukládáme a zpracováváme.

Informace a údaje, které nám dáváte:

Osobní údaje. Můžeme shromažďovat a uchovávat jakékoliv osobní údaje, které zadáte na naší webové stránce nebo nám poskytnete nějakým jiným způsobem. Při založení profilu a účtu nám poskytujete údaje, které jsou nezbytné k jedinečné identifikaci vaší osoby a k umožnění vašeho přístupu na stránky v budoucích relacích. To zahrnuje identifikační údaje, jako je vaše jméno, datum narození, adresa, emailová adresa, a pokud provedete platební transakci, finanční údaje, jako je vaše platební metoda (například číslo platné kreditní karty, typ, datum vypršení platnosti nebo jiné finanční údaje). Můžeme také žádat údaje o vašich zájmech a aktivitách, vašem pohlaví a věku, a další demografické údaje, jako je vaše město, země atd. pro lepší možnosti seznámení.

Dodatečné údaje. Po založení vašeho profilu máte možnost sdílet další údaje v naději, že přilákáte ten typ lidí, se kterým se chcete seznámit. To může zahrnovat údaje, jako je vaše osobnost, fyzický vzhled, koníčky a zájmy, a preference na poli zábavy. Máte také možnost přidat si na svůj profil vlastní fotky a videa, čímž nám můžete také povolit přístup k vašemu mobilu k jejich nahrání. *Profilové snímky jsou vždy veřejné a pomocí přímého odkazu k nim může přistupovat kdokoliv. Využíváme CDN služeb (síť pro doručování obsahu) třetích stran pro zvýšení dostupnosti a rychlosti stránek. CDN služby mohou uložit snímky do mezipaměti po nedefinovanou dobu a snímky mohou být veřejně přístupné (každému, a to i bez přihlášení). Nahráním fotek nebo videa/videí potvrzujete, že vlastníte autorská práva na fotky, resp. video/videa a že jste si vědomi, že ostatní uživatelé mohou tento obsah stáhnout. Některé údaje, které nám můžete volitelně poskytnout, mohou být považovány za zvláštní nebo citlivé v určitých jurisdikcích, jako je vaše politická příslušnost, etnicita, náboženství či sexuální preference. Poskytnutí těchto informací je zcela volitelné, a poskytnutím jakýchkoliv takových údajů nám udělujete souhlas k jejich zpracování.

Platební údaje. Rozhodnete-li se upgradovat svůj účet na Prémiový status na našich webových stránkách (a ne na jedné z našich mobilních aplikací), budete muset poskytnout nám (našemu internímu zpracovateli plateb) nebo jednomu z našich poskytovatelů platebních služeb své platební údaje, jako je číslo debetní/kreditní karty nebo jiné finanční údaje. Citlivé platební údaje, jako je tento případ, neuchováváme donekonečna, jsou uchovávány u našich platebních partnerů, kteří jsou plně certifikovaní k bezpečnému uchování těchto informací pro možné budoucí platby a opětovná zaúčtování.

DŮLEŽITÉ: Zpracování plateb za nákupy, které můžete na našich stránkách provést, provádějí třetí strany. Každý takový zpracovatel plateb třetí strany má své vlastní Zásady ochrany osobních údajů a Podmínky používání a ty nejsou řízeny těmito Zásadami nebo našimi Podmínkami použití. Při nákupu zasíláte své údaje přímo jednomu z těchto zpracovatelů plateb třetí strany. Z tohoto důvodu si před zasláním svých údajů budete muset přečíst Zásady ochrany osobních údajů a Podmínky používání relevantních zpracovatelů plateb třetí strany ke zjištění více informací o jejich zásadách shromažďování a uchovávání údajů.

Zákaznické služby. Pokud budete kontaktovat náš tým zákaznického servisu, ať už prostřednictvím kontaktního formuláře, živého chatu nebo telefonu, záznam o vaší interakci je uchováván, abychom mohli lépe obsluhovat váš účet.

Další údaje. Uchováváme preference, které nám poskytujete, pro nastavení vašeho účtu v sekci Nastavení, jako například jaké typy e-mailové komunikace si přejete dostávat, stav fakturace a fakturační historii, jaké typy členů vás mohou kontaktovat, a vaše předvolby interních notifikací. Uchováváme také záznam o posledním hledání členů, které dále slouží jako vaše výchozí hledání, a můžete si také pro vlastní pohodlí uložit konkrétní hledání. Uchováváme a zpracováváme vaši komunikaci s ostatními členy, včetně flirtů a zpráv odeslaných pro a od těchto členů. To zahrnuje další komunikační funkce na Stránkách, jako je Služba seznámení a Rychlý protějšek.

Informace, které nám poskytují ostatní:

Sociální sítě. Je možné, že k založení profilu a přihlášení se na naše stránky bude použito údajů z jistých sociálních sítí, jako je Přihlášení přes Facebook. Volitelně můžete také sdílet fotky z těchto služeb na svém účtu zde na Stránkách.

Další uživatelé. Čas od času můžeme obdržet údaje o vás od dalších uživatelů, například stížnost na zneužití účtu nebo spam. Tyto záležitosti přezkoumáváme vážně a vyhrazujeme si právo takové údaje uchovat pro další použití nebo smazat, pokud zjistíme, že jsou taková nařčení nepravdivá. Náš interní systém pro odhalení podvodu může bránit přístupu škodlivých dat pro ochranu dalších uživatelů před podvodnými aktivitami.

Naši partneři. Občas vám naši partneři nabídnou možnost vytvořit si svůj profil na našich stránkách použitím informací, které mají o vašem účtu na jejich webové stránce nebo aplikaci. Tato metoda vytvoření účtu je vždy provedena na základě výslovného souhlasu (tj. musíte sdělit naší partnerské stránce, že si přejete založit profil na našich stránkách nebo aplikaci). Sbíráme, uchováváme a zpracováváme tyto údaje se stejnou bezpečností a péčí, jako údaje, které nám přímo poskytujete.

Information and data collected as you use the website:

Each time you log in and use our dating service, we collect data and information about your visit.

Automatically. We gather certain information automatically. This includes data like the date and time of your use, how long you spend on the site, the IP address you connected from, and other profiles you visited. This information may include browser type, Internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, the files viewed on our site (e.g., HTML pages, graphics, etc.), operating system, date/time stamp, the content of any undeleted cookies that your browser previously accepted from us (see “Cookies” below) and/or clickstream data to analyze trends in the aggregate, and anonymously generated device identifiers and administer the site.

Cookies. We employ the use of technology like cookies, web beacons and pixels in order to recognize you and the devices you use to access our service. We do this for several reasons, including authentication on future visits, keeping track of your preferences and settings, and helping to show you more relevant advertising and offers. Depending on your web browser and other software you have installed, you may be able to better control how we use these technologies. When you visit Site, we may assign your computer one or more cookies, to facilitate access to the Site and to personalize your online experience. Through the use of a cookie, we also may automatically collect information about your online activity on our site, such as the web pages you visit, the links you click, and the searches you conduct on our site. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies. If you choose to decline cookies, please note that you may not be able to sign in or use some of the interactive features offered on Site.

“Do Not Track” (or “DNT”) is a feature on certain web browsers that you may use to access our service, whereby users can activate this setting to tell responding websites they do not wish to be tracked. Not all browsers offer this “DNT” option, and not all of these signals are currently uniform, so our service does not yet respond to these signals.

Other Technologies. We may use standard Internet technology, such as web beacons and other similar technologies, to track your use of our site. We also may include web beacons in advertisements or promotional or other e-mail messages or to determine whether messages have been opened and acted upon. The information we obtain in this manner enables us to customize the services we offer our website visitors to deliver targeted advertisements and to measure the overall effectiveness of our online advertising, content, programming or other activities.

Third Parties. We may allow third-parties, including our authorized service providers, advertising companies, and ad networks, to display advertisements on Site. These companies may use tracking technologies, such as cookies, to collect information about users who view or interact with their advertisements. This information allows them to deliver targeted advertisements and gauge their effectiveness. We employ the use of a data analytics service, specifically Google Analytics, to track certain non-personally identifiable pieces of data about your visits, such as your device type, how you reached the site, your location and browser language. This data is not stored by us, but rather collected using software we have installed on our pages and apps and then stored by this analytics service and used by us to help us improve your experience on our service. If you wish to opt out of making your data available to the Site, please visit THIS page.

How We Use Your Data

We only collect and store data about you that we feel is absolutely necessary. We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:

  1. deliver the products and services that you have requested so you can meet your dating goals;
  2. manage your account and provide you with customer support;
  3. perform research and analysis about your use of, or interest in, our services, or content
  4. communicate with you by e-mail, and/ or mobile devices about services that may be of interest to you either from us, or our other companies or third parties;
  5. to detect and prevent fraudulent activity on our sites and applications. We use data from all members with an internally developed fraud detection system in order to detect and eliminate bad actors from our service
  6. develop and display content and advertising tailored to your interests on our site as well as offers to join trusted partner dating sites quickly and easily through cross-registration;
  7. to be sure we are compliant with all legal requirements in all our operating jurisdictions and enforce our terms and conditions. This includes providing law enforcement with information they officially request from our records;
  8. to improve our products and services in general so you have the best possible chance to find a perfect match.

IMPORTANT: Your username will be associated with all activities you undertake on the Site including, without limitation, messages sent and other content or information you may determine to post or share. Your gender information helps other users find you. Your gender preference(s) will be used to help identify other users that may be of interest to you. Your IP addresses, device data, and other use information are used by us in order to optimize our site for use. Your usage history may also be used to help our internal algorithm to recommend other Site users to you.


In order to deliver an enjoyable experience to you, we may use your Registration and other information to:

  1. offer you our services and features;
  2. contact you with information about the App (e.g., updates and new features);
  3. personalize the App/Sites and the content we deliver to you;
  4. conduct research and analytics about how you use and interact with the App/Sites;
  5. to test new technologies and processes designed to enhance and improve the App/Sites;
  6. resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems and to enforce our Terms & Conditions;
  7. investigate fraud, protect our legal rights, and to enforce our Terms & Conditions.
  8. to send you information about the promotions and offers we have available (e.g., specify the types of goods/services/offers to be provided via direct marketing) by direct marketing or other modes of communication - if you’ve signed up for our communications or otherwise told us it’s OK. We will not use your information in email direct marketing unless you give us your consent during the Account creating process or via Settings in the App (you can withdraw from marketing at any time via Settings in the App or by using the opt-out mechanisms and links provided in each message); and
  9. protect our Users and third parties from harm.

Our Matching Algorithms

We have developed matching algorithms to predict your compatibility with other users and so we can show you people we think are a good match for you. Our matching algorithms use the following data about you to predict your compatibility with others and generate profile recommendations: the things you tell us about yourself in your profile; information about your activity and your device coordinates, which are necessary to understand your proximity to other members. The legal basis for processing profile and proximity information is that this is necessary for the provision of our contractual services to you pursuant to Article 6(1)(b) GDPR. Where we process information about your activity, this is based on our legitimate interests pursuant to Article 6(1)(f) GDPR, and specifically our legitimate interest in generating more personalized and relevant recommendations for who you can match with. If you have chosen to include sensitive information in your profile, such as information about your beliefs, the processing of this information is based on your voluntary and explicit consent.

Moderation Practices

We use a combination of automated systems and a team of moderators to monitor and review accounts (including photos and any other information uploaded onto user profiles) and messages for content that indicates breaches of our Terms and Conditions of Use. If an account or message meets certain criteria that demonstrate that the Terms and Conditions of Use are likely to have been breached, the relevant account will be subject to a warning and the user’s access restricted and/or blocked.

If you post anything that is inconsistent with our Terms and Conditions of Use, we reserve the right to terminate or restrict access to your Account.

Lawful Basis

Under EU and UK data protection laws, we are required to tell you our lawful basis for using your data and we have set this out in the table below. Where the legal basis is consent, you can withdraw consent at any time. Where the legal basis is legitimate interests, you have a right to object to our use of your data. We explain in the relevant sections in this Policy how you can withdraw consent or opt-out of certain data uses (where applicable).

Purpose for which data is usedDataSourceLegal basis
To provide you with the social networking serviceName, email address, date of birth, location (CCPA Categories A and B)You provide your name, email address and date of birth to us. We obtain location data from the device that you use to access the serviceContractual necessity
To facilitate networking opportunities and cross sitesOptional information that you choose to provide in your profile, including through profile verification, which may include information about your sexual preferences, non-binary gender, religion, ethnic background, photos, interests, etc. (CCPA Categories B, C, H, I, J)You provide this information to usContractual necessity and our legitimate interests – it is in our legitimate interests to facilitate networking opportunities.
To verify your identity and prevent fraud and to ensure the safety and security of UsersPhone number and if requested or permitted, photo provided as part of profile verification and for users based in countries where age verification is required by law: photo of Government ID + geolocation and device information (CCPA Categories A, B, C, E, F, G and H)You provide this information to us, except for the geolocation and device information, which we obtain from the device that you use to access the serviceLegitimate interests – it is in our legitimate interests to ensure that accounts are not set up fraudulently and to safeguard Users of the site
To take payment for premium services (not applicable for Users making payments via the Apple App Store)Payment card details (CCPA Categories B and D)You provide this information to usContractual necessity
To send you marketing information about our events, offers and servicesName, email address, postal address, and mobile phone number (CCPA Categories A and B)You provide this information to usConsent or legitimate interests and in accordance with the laws applying to our marketing activities. We have a legitimate interest in promoting our business and products
To carry out research and analysis to help us improve and to test new technologies and processes designed to enhance and improve the App/SitesLog and usage data, including IP address, browser type, referring domain, pages accessed, mobile carrier and search terms, images and video, registration information, profile information (CCPA Categories A, F and H)You provide photos and videos to us. We obtain the log and usage information from the device that you use to access the serviceLegitimate interests – it is in our legitimate interests to analyze the way in which Users are accessing and using our services and to test new technologies so that we can further develop our features, implement security measures and improve the service
To respond to correspondence and queries that you submit to us, including social media queriesEmail address and IP address, social media name, phone number (CCPA Categories B and F)You provide your email address, social media name and phone number to us when you contact us and we obtain your IP address from the device that you use to contact usLegitimate interests – it is in our legitimate interests to respond to your queries to ensure that we provide a good service to Users and troubleshoot problems
To investigate and block Users for reported infringements of our Terms and Conditions of UseName and user registration details, profile information, content of messages and photographs + usage and device data such as IP address and IP session information (CCPA Categories A, B, C, F, and H)You provide your registration details, profile information, messages and photographs to us. We obtain the other information from the device that you use to access the service.Legitimate interests - it is in our legitimate interests to prevent unauthorized behavior and to maintain the safety and integrity of our services
To enable Users to create and enhance their profile and log via third party accountsData from Facebook and other third-party accounts (CCPA Categories A, B, C, and H)We obtain this information from Facebook, or the providers of any other accounts you use to log in or connect with your accountLegitimate interests – it is in our legitimate interests to facilitate access to our services
To block payment transactions as part of our anti-fraud proceduresName, IP address, email address, mobile number, cardholder name, payments received, type of payment, user ID, country (CCPA Categories, A, B, and D)You provide your name, email address, mobile number and card details to us. We obtain your IP address from the device that you use to contact us. We obtain your payment information from your interactions with our serviceLegitimate interests – it is in our legitimate interests to prevent fraudulent transactions and to maintain the security of our services
To serve promo cards and advertisements on the AppLocation, gender, age, and information that you have optionally provided us with via your profile (CCPA Categories A, C and G)We obtain age, gender and profile information from you, and location data from the device that you use to access the serviceLegitimate interests – it is in our legitimate interests to target advertisements so that Users see relevant advertisements and to allow us to generate income from advertising revenue
To serve advertisements on third party networks and measure the effectiveness of such adsData about your visit to our Sites or App and action taken on those (for example if you downloaded our App or created an account on websites), IP address (and your estimated location based on your IP address), age and gender, device ID (CCPA Categories B, C, G, F and K)We obtain age and gender from you and we obtain other information from the device or browser that you use to access the serviceConsent – as indicated by you in your Privacy Settings/Cookies Settings preferences and via your browser or device privacy preferences (where required by your device manufacturer, for example Apple devices using iOS 14.5).
To contact you in order to run surveys for research purposes and to obtain feedback, and to find out if you want to take part in marketing campaignsEmail address and cell phone number (CCPA Category B)You provide this information to usLegitimate interests – it is in our legitimate interests to carry out research so that we can further develop the app and improve the service
To enable video and audio call functions on apps, and the sending of images and videoVideo and audio call usage data, images and video (CCPA Categories F and H)We obtain this information from the device that you use to access the serviceLegitimate interests – it is in our legitimate interests to provide these functionalities as part of the services
To defend legal claims, protect legal rights and to protect people from harmThis could include any information that is relevant to the issueThis information may be obtained directly from you, from your device or from third parties, depending on the information involved


We only collect and store data about you that we feel is absolutely necessary. We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:

  1. deliver the products and services that you have requested so you can meet your dating goals;
  2. manage your account and provide you with customer support;
  3. perform research and analysis about your use of, or interest in, our services, or content
  4. communicate with you by email, and/ or mobile devices about services that may be of interest to you either from us, or our other companies or third parties;
  5. to detect and prevent fraudulent activity on our sites and applications. We use data from all members with an internally developed fraud detection system in order to detect and eliminate bad actors from our service
  6. develop and display content and advertising tailored to your interests on our site as well as offers to join trusted partner dating sites quickly and easily through cross-registration;
  7. to be sure we are compliant with all legal requirements in all our operating jurisdictions and enforce our terms and conditions. This includes providing law enforcement with information they officially request from our records;
  8. to improve our products and services in general so you have the best possible chance to find a perfect match.

IMPORTANT: Your username will be associated with all activities you undertake on the Site including, without limitation, messages sent and other content or information you may determine to post or share. Your gender information help other users find you. Your gender preference(s) will be used to help identify other users that may be of interest to you. Your IP addresses, device data, and other use information are used by us in order to optimize our site for use. Your usage history may also be used to help our internal algorithm to recommend other Site users to you.

Who has access to information about you

When we store information in our own systems, only the people who need it have access. Our management team has access to everything you’ve provided, but individual employees have access to only what they need to do their job.

How we share data and information with other partners, including third parties.

First and foremost, by creating your profile and sharing information about yourself, you are in turn sharing that information with other users on the Site. As we cannot control what other users do with the data you share, please only add information to your profile that you are comfortable sharing with the public. In your Contact Preferences on the Site, you will find options to limit which members can and cannot send you messages.

  • Sensitive personal data like your supplied gender will help other users find you. Your gender seeking preference(s) will be used to help identify other users that may be of interest to you.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to share data with trusted third-party service providers and vendors to provide you better services. Some examples of this would be our payment service providers, in order to facilitate payments for Premium access, and our email validation service, which lets us know if you provided us with a valid email address. We will never sell your personal data to a third party under any circumstances. We take much care in ensuring that our few data partners follow best practices for safeguarding data, and encourage you to reach out to our customer team if you have any questions regarding this.
  • In some cases, we make your profile visible on other brands within our network of dating websites and applications (our Community). These are simply brand extensions of the Site, with the same database of users on each of these other websites and applications. This is only done for marketing purposes, usually to account for differences in terminology for certain interests in different locations.
  • With your explicit permission, we will sometimes share the information you have provided us with other websites or applications that are wholly owned by our company, in order to set up a profile on that website or application for you. This is to give you the best possible chance to make a meaningful connection and enlarge your dating pool in other similar-niche websites and applications. It is enabled through cross registration process. We ONLY do this with your express consent and instruction, such as when you opt-in at the time of profile creation, or when you choose to upgrade your membership.
  • We use internal service providers which sometimes pass your account data. Some examples of this would be our internal fraud detection system, which helps to eliminate bad actors on our network of websites and applications, and our internal ad serving system, which uses your demographic and interest data to show you relevant advertisements on the service. We also send anonymized data (encrypted email addresses) to our ad server to provide you better services and more options in finding your perfect match. In all these cases, this data is completely retained within the company and safeguarded with the same high level of care your data is on the Site.
  • If we are ever involved in a merger or sale, control of your data may transfer to a new company or website. This will be fully disclosed to you in advance if this situation occurs. You will be notified via email.
  • We reserve the right to share any and all account information with law enforcement or agencies authorized by applicable governmental authorities either in response to their written request or at our own election should we believe, in our sole discretion, that you or your account may be involved with illegal activity, or if we believe, in our sole discretion, that such disclosure is necessary to protect the rights or property of the Site, our users, and/or one or more third parties.
  • Sometimes, it may become necessary to share data if that disclosure could mitigate our liability in a lawsuit, either filed or threatened. This could also happen if we need to protect the legal rights of either ourselves or of our users, or to investigate or take action regarding perceived illegal activity or fraud.

IMPORTANT: The Service and Site are not the only social connection platforms that we operate. In order to increase your opportunity for a connection, as a default, your profile on the Service will be shared with our social connection platforms as a default to increase your opportunity to meet someone. You may opt out of this sharing at any time by changing your settings under “my account” - Data Panel.

Email Preferences and Promotional Notifications

An important part of your membership is being notified of specific triggered events and special promotions that will maximize your chances of a successful dating experience on the website. We use an internal email marketing system to send you these notifications as part of your membership.

  • Some examples of triggered events would be notification of a matching member coming online in your area, or a nearby match uploading a new photo, or photo request. In these cases, your personal information is used to match with others to generate these events and send you an email notification. You will also receive our matching mails, flirts, private messages, non-promotional offers, abandoned mailers, icebreakers etc which are part of our dating platform strategy so you can find what you looking for faster and easier.
  • Examples of special promotional emails may be a special introductory monthly offer at a steeply discounted price, or a discounted trial offer based on an action you previously attempted that requires Premium membership. The type of promotion sent determines which personal information is processed to generate the email.
  • You can select exactly what kind of emails you want to receive from us at any time inside your Email Options. We store your preferences there until you tell us you want to change them again. Also, you can choose to stop receiving all emails from us by using the Unsubscribe link that is embedded in every email that we send you.
  • At any time you can choose to no longer receive commercial or promotional emails from us. You will be given the opportunity, in any commercial e-mail that we send to you, to opt out of receiving such messages in the future. It may take up to 10 days for us to process an opt-out request. We may send you other types of transactional and relationship e-mail communications, such as service announcements, administrative notices, and account information, without offering you the opportunity to opt out of receiving them. Please note that changing information in your account, or otherwise opting out of receipt of promotional email communications will only affect future activities or communications from us. If we have already provided your information to a third party (such as a service provider) before you have changed your preferences or updated your information, you may have to change your email preferences directly with that third party.

Transferring Your Data

We provide our online dating services around the world. By using Site, you authorize us to transfer and store your information outside your home country, including in the United States, for the purposes described in this policy. The privacy protections and the rights of authorities to access your information in these countries may not be the same as in your home country.

As we operate in many different countries, sometimes data needs to be transferred across borders, such as when a citizen of the European Union joins a site that we operate from the United States. We have worked to become compliant with the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in this situation, and as such use suitable safeguards for the transmission of this data.


Our policy is to not disclose your Registration Information or personal data, except in the limited circumstances described here:

Circumstances where data may be disclosedDisclosed data
Service Providers – We engage certain trusted third parties to perform functions and provide services to us. We may share your Registration Information or personal data with these third parties, but only for the purposes of performing these functions and providing such services. More information about this is available directly below.This could include all data, including all CCPA Categories listed above
Moderators – To monitor activity on the App and websites and approve content.Name and user registration details, profile information, content of messages and photographs (CCPA Categories A, B, C, and H)
Payment Processing and Telecommunications Companies – To facilitate payments for our premium services.Cardholder name, cardholder address, card number, payment amount, transaction date/time (CCPA Categories A, B, and D)
Law and Harm – As we mentioned in the Terms and Conditions, we think it is very important that all Users behave whilst using the App and Websites. We will cooperate with all third parties to enforce their intellectual property or other rights. We will cooperate with lawfully made law enforcement requests for information from within or outside your country of residence where we are required to by law. This may include where there is an investigation into alleged criminal behavior or to protect the vital interests of a person. We may preserve or disclose any of your information, including your Registration Information, if we believe in good faith that it is necessary to comply with a law or regulation, or when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary:
  • to comply with a binding direction court order, or lawful request;
  • to protect the safety of any person;
  • to address fraud, security or technical issues e.g. through anti-spam providers to protect the service from criminal activity; or
  • to protect our rights or property or those of third parties.
In such cases we may raise or waive any legal objection or right available to us.
This could include any personal data that We hold about you, depending on the nature of the request or the issue that we are dealing with, including all CCPA Categories listed above
Business Transfers – In the event that a Company Group entity or any of its affiliates undergoes a business transition or change of ownership, such as a merger, acquisition by another company, re-organization, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, or in the event of insolvency or administration, we may be required to disclose your personal data.This could include all personal data that We hold about you, including all CCPA Categories listed above
Marketing Services Providers – To help us serve marketing and advertising on third party websites and applications and measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns. More information on this is available belowAdvertising identifier associated with your device (Device ID), estimated location (based on your IP address), age, gender and data about your visit to our Sites or App and action taken on those (for example if you downloaded our App or created an account with our App), hashed email address (for ‘custom audiences’ only) (CCPA Categories B, C, G, F and K)
Anti-Spam and Anti-Fraud – Your data may be shared with other Company Group companies, for example, to block accounts and suspected fraudulent payment transactions as part of our anti-spam and anti-fraud procedures.Email address, phone number, IP address and IP session information, social network ID, username, user agent string, and transaction and payment data (CCPA Categories B, F and D).

Aggregated Information – We may share aggregated information with third parties that includes your personal data (but which doesn’t identify you directly) together with other information including log data for industry analysis and demographic profiling.)


Service Providers

We engage certain trusted third parties to perform functions and provide services to us (“Service Providers”). The suppliers with which We share User personal data vary depending on a variety of factors, such as which of our App, Sites and services a User engages with. For example, to provide our services to Users, we typically use the following suppliers:

  • Billing services – to allow customers to purchase paid features of our App (for example, Google Play)
  • Authentication services – to allow customers to authenticate their account
  • Social media providers – to allow customers to create/connect their account with their account(s) on such platforms (for example Facebook)
  • Product improvement and market research – we use third party platforms and agencies to carry out customer surveys and market research to improve our products and services
  • IT services – some of the third-party software providers used in the operation of our business may process Users’ personal data

Marketing Services Providers

We partner with providers of marketing services (such as Facebook for example) (‘Marketing Services Providers’) to help us market and advertise our App and services on third party websites and applications and measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns.

We share a limited amount of your personal data with these Marketing Services Providers, such as:

  • the advertising identifier associated with your device (this is a random number assigned by your mobile device manufacturer (for example Apple or Google) to your device to help advertisers (including the manufacturer) know when an ad has been viewed or clicked in an app, and when an ad causes a ‘conversion’ (for example, downloading the app advertised to you))
  • your estimated location (based on your IP address)
  • age and gender
  • data about your visit to our Sites or App and action taken on those (for example if you downloaded our App or created an account with our App)


Where we share data with Facebook as our Marketing Service Provider (including via the Facebook “Like” function), we are Joint Data Controllers with Facebook Ireland for this processing. This arrangement means that We have to provide you this notice, but you should contact Facebook if you wish to exercise your data protection rights. Further information, including how Facebook enables you to exercise your data protection rights, and subsequently processes your information as independent data controller can be found in Facebook Ireland’s Data Policy.

This data referred to above can include actions that you take on our website such as your interactions with our Sites or other information collected from cookies or similar technologies including the Facebook pixel. This allows us to measure the effectiveness of our advertising, improve our marketing practices, and helps us deliver more relevant advertising to you and people like you (including on social media such as Facebook).


We think our Users are awesome, and we want you to share how awesome you are with the world, so we have built certain features to enable this. Our App is designed to make it easier for you to connect with other Users and to interact with them.

When using our Apps, you should assume that anything you post or submit on the Apps may be publicly-viewable and accessible, both by Users and non-users of the App. We want our Users to be careful about posting information that may eventually be made public.

Please be careful about posting sensitive details about yourself on your profile such as your religious denomination and health details. You may also choose to add sensitive information about yourself, such as your religion and political leanings. While you may voluntarily provide this information to us when you create your profile, including your sexual preferences, there is no requirement to do so. Please remember that photographs that you post may reveal information about yourself as well.

Important: When you upload and choose to tell us sensitive information about yourself, you are explicitly consenting to our processing of this information and making it public to other Users.

Your profile and other information you make available via the Sites or Apps, including certain information added to your profile through third party accounts (such as Facebook), may be viewed and shared by Users with individuals who may or may not be users of the Apps or Sites. For example, a User may recommend you as a match to his or her Facebook friend(s) by taking a screenshot of your profile picture and sharing it, regardless of whether such friend(s) is also a User of our Sites or Apps.

Please also note that in certain countries (currently, South Korea only), Users are provided with functionality enabling them to download a copy of their conversation history (as this is required by local laws) and that We have no control over how users may then publish or use that information.

If you log in to or access the Sites or Apps through your Facebook account or another third-party account on a device which you share with others, remember to log out of our Apps and Sites and the relevant third-party account when you leave the device in order to prevent other users from accessing your account.


Although we want as many people as possible to enjoy our creation, you have to be at least 18 years old to use the App or Sites.

We do not knowingly collect any information about or market to children, minors or anyone under the age of 18. If you are less than 18 years old, we request that you do not submit information to us. If we become aware that a child, minor or anyone under the age of 18 has registered with us and provided us with personal information, we will take steps to terminate that person’s registration.


We pride ourselves on taking all appropriate security measures to help protect your information against loss, misuse and unauthorized access, or disclosure. We use reasonable security measures to safeguard the confidentiality of your personal information such as secured servers using firewalls.

Unfortunately, no website or Internet transmission is ever completely 100% secure and even we cannot guarantee that unauthorized access, hacking, data loss or other breaches will never occur, but here are some handy tips to help keep your data secure:

  • Please make sure you log out of your Account after use as you never know who may stumble onto your Account!
  • Please don’t share the password you use to access your Account with anyone else!
  • Change your password periodically.

If you ever think someone has had access to your password or Account, please contact our Customer Support immediately. We cannot guarantee the security of your personal data while it is being transmitted to our site and any transmission is at your own risk.

Protection for your personal data and information

Protecting the data that you entrust to us is extremely important, and we are constantly striving to ensure that it is safeguarded from harm at all times. However, like at any technology company, there is always risk of unauthorized access or destruction of this data. We employ both security experts and automated protocols that are constantly analyzing our systems for any signs of intrusion or attack, and have processes in place in case of any unauthorized access, including those mandated by certain jurisdictions (such as the EU in the case of the aforementioned GDPR). At our discretion, we may suspend usage of the site pending investigation into a suspected breach. We also encourage you to reach out to our customer team immediately if you feel that you or any other account on the site has been compromised.

Notice of Breach of Security.If a security breach causes an unauthorized intrusion into our system that affects you and your personal data, we will notify you as soon as possible and later report the action we took in response.

Your Password. It is vital that you keep your password safe to prevent unauthorized access to your personal information. If you believe that someone else may have access to your password please change it immediately. Please note that your password is stored securely in an encrypted format and is never visible to our staff.

Location based services. Where we provide services that utilize your device’s location, we may permit other users of the service to block individuals in certain locations, based upon their IP, from accessing such users’ content.


Your rights regarding your data includes compliance to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) which you can access on this link: https://gdpr-info.eu/

The data that we collect, store and process with regards to your account is your own, and as such you have associated rights regarding that information as detailed below. All options are available in editing of My Account that you can visit THIS page.

  • You have the right to add, modify or delete data any time you want. You are the boss of your account. This will enable you to tailor exactly what others see about you at any time.
  • You have the right to download an export of all the information we are currently storing in relation to your account.
  • You have the right to configure your device settings to allow the level of access to your data that you choose, from the configuration options available on your specific device(s), browsers, etc. Please note that some configurations may not allow you full access to all our site features.
  • You typically have the right to fully delete your information from our site and database permanently, barring a few extenuating conditions.
  • In some countries and jurisdictions, including the EU, you have the right to lodge an official complaint with an applicable data protection authority. Please consult the data protection rules of your country of residence for more information about the availability of this option.

The particular rights which are applicable to you (which might include other rights not listed above) may vary depending on your country. You should make yourself aware of the rights you have under applicable privacy laws in your country.

If you want to exercise any of your rights listed above use the Form shared at the beginning of this document or email our Data Protection Officer at dpo@firstbeatmedia.com. You can also contact us by post at the addresses shared in Intro. For your protection and the protection of all of our Users, we may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity before we can answer the above requests.

If you have a concern about how we have processed your request or your personal data, you should contact us in the first instance via the contact details listed above.

Your CCPA Rights (USA)

For Users who are California residents, you have the following rights (in addition to those listed at section 10 below) under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and you have the right to be free from unlawful discrimination for exercising your rights under the Act:

  1. You have the right to request that we disclose certain information to you and explain how we have collected, used and shared your personal information over the past 12 months.
  2. You have the right to request that we delete your personal information that we collected from you, subject to certain exceptions.

California’s “Shine the Light” law, Civil Code section 1798.83, requires certain businesses to respond to requests from California customers asking about the businesses’ practices related to disclosing personal information to third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes.

From time to time, as part of a joint promotion with a third party, we may, if you participate in such a promotion, disclose your contact information to the third party to allow them to market their products or services to you. Where this is a condition for participation in a promotion, we will always let you know before you enter the promotion. Please follow the instructions provided to you by third parties to unsubscribe from their messages.

In addition, under California law, operators of online services are required to disclose how they respond to “do not track” signals or other similar mechanisms that provide consumers the ability to exercise choice regarding the collection of personal information of a consumer over time and across third party online services, to the extent the operator engages in that collection. At this time, we do not track our Users’ personal information over time and across third-party online services. This law also requires operators of online services to disclose whether third parties may collect personal information about their users’ online activities over time and across different online services when the users use the operator’s service.

California residents are entitled to disclose a list of third parties to whom their data has been shared for direct marketing purposes over the previous year. Currently, we do not share any customer data with third parties for direct marketing purposes. If that policy were to change, we will update this section with information on how to obtain that information.

Personal Information Sales Opt-Out and Opt-In Rights. You have the right to direct us to not sell your personal information at any time (the right to opt out). Consumers who opt-in to personal information sales may opt-out of future sales at any time. To exercise the right to opt-out you may submit a request to us by reaching out to our Customer Support by email or via phone 954-944-9054. If your location on profile matches California, you will be able to see in the Website Footer Do Not Sell My Personal Information link that will lead you to the requested page. Once you make an opt-out request, we will wait at least twelve (12) months before asking you to reauthorize personal information sales. However, you may change your mind and opt back into personal information sales and personalized ads at any time by editing preferences on your data panel. You don’t need to create an account with us to exercise your opt-out rights. We will use personal information provided to us to review and comply with the request.

In some cases, we may be unable to fulfill your request because we have no way to verify your identity to the standard the law and/or its associated regulations require. For example (but without limitation), if you have visited our website, but never registered, left a comment, submitted a Contact Form, completed a financial transaction with us, or interacted with us via email or other means, we probably do not have enough information to confirm your identity to even a “reasonable degree of certainty” (as the applicable regulations may define that term). Also, in addition to any other exemptions applicable law and/or regulation may provide to your rights under the CCPA (particularly with regard to the deletion of your personal information), we may be unable to delete certain information (e.g., our web host’s server, caching and error logs) for technical reasons.

Your VCDPA Rights (USA)

The Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (“VCDPA”) went into effect on January 1, 2023. This new law provides Virginia residents certain rights for personal data collected by businesses under conditions outlined in the law.

For more information, you can access the official document on the following link: https://www.oag.state.va.us/consumer-protection/files/tips-and-info/Virginia-Consumer-Data-Protection-Act-Summary-2-2-23.pdf

Our status under the VCDPA as either a controller or processor will be the same as under the GDPR. The VCDPA terms are incorporated into our existing data protection terms, so no action is required to accept the VCDPA terms where the existing data protection terms already form part of your consent.

Your CPA Rights (USA)

The CPA grants Colorado Consumers new rights with respect to their personal data, including the right to access, delete, and correct their personal data as well as the right to opt out of the sale of their personal data or its use for targeted advertising or certain kinds of profiling.

For more information, you can access the official document on the following link: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/sb21-190

Our status under the CPA as either a controller or processor will be the same as under the GDPR. The CPA terms are incorporated into our existing data protection terms, so no action is required to accept the CPA terms where the existing data protection terms already form part of your consent.

Your CTDPA Rights (USA)

The CTDPA gives Connecticut residents certain rights over their personal data and establishes responsibilities and privacy protection standards for data controllers that process personal data.

For more information, you can access the official document on the following link: https://portal.ct.gov/AG/Sections/Privacy/The-Connecticut-Data-Privacy-Act

Our status under the CTDPA as either a controller or processor will be the same as under the GDPR. The CTDPA terms are incorporated into our existing data protection terms, so no action is required to accept the CTDPA terms where the existing data protection terms already form part of your consent.

Your UCPA Rights (USA)

The Utah Consumer Privacy Act is the fourth state-level privacy law passed in the United States and is considered the most “business-friendly”. Utah`s privacy law is unique in that controllers don`t need to obtain opt-in consent to collect and process sensitive data. Instead, they`re required to provide a clear notice and an opportunity to opt-out.

For more information, you can access the official document on the following link: https://le.utah.gov/~2022/bills/static/SB0227.html

Your LGPD rights (Brazil)

The Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD) is a new Brazilian privacy law that went into effect from August 16th, 2020. It applies to the processing of personal data, which can include online identifiers, of users located in Brazil. We are committed to supporting our partners as they work to comply with this regulation. The LGPD shares many concepts with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and our services already provide features that customers can use to support their LGPD compliance efforts, including the ability to serve non-personalized ads to users regarding data processing based on a user`s geographic location.

For more information, you can access the official website of LGPD: https://lgpd-brazil.info/

Our status under the LGPD as either a controller or processor will be the same as under the GDPR. The LGPD terms are incorporated into our existing data protection terms, so no action is required to accept the LGPD terms where the existing data protection terms already form part of your consent.

Your POPIA rights (South Africa)

“POPIA” means the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 of the Republic of South Africa that empowers citizens with enforceable rights over their personal information, requires websites, companies and organizations to live up to minimum conditions for lawful processing, and establishes the Information Regulator to supervise and enforce compliance with POPIA. It is similar to GDPR and shares most of the principles. Our processing of your Personal Information is subject to, and in compliance with, the provisions of POPIA.

You may access a copy of POPIA on the Information Regulator’s website, which, at the time of publication of this Privacy Policy, is at http://www.justice.gov.za/inforeg/

Our status under POPIA as either a controller or processor will be the same as under the GDPR. The POPI terms are incorporated into our existing data protection terms, so no action is required to accept the POPI terms where the existing data protection terms already form part of your consent.


We keep your personal information only as long as we need it for the legal basis relied upon and as permitted by applicable law.

When your Account is deleted, we make sure it is no longer viewable on our Admin DataBase and Sites/Apps, unless:

  1. we must keep it to comply with applicable law (for instance, if you make purchases within the Sites/Apps, some personal data may be kept for tax and accounting purposes);
  2. we must keep it to evidence our compliance with applicable law (for example, if an account is blocked, we keep some account information and a record of the behavior that led to the block - this information is retained for evidential purposes in case of queries or legal claims concerning the block);
  3. there is an outstanding issue, claim or dispute requiring us to keep the relevant information until it is resolved; or
  4. information must be kept for our legitimate business interests, such as fraud prevention and enhancing Users’ safety and security (for example, information may need to be kept to prevent a user who was banned for unsafe behavior or security incidents from opening a new account).

We keep your information for no longer than necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. The length of time for which we retain information depends on the purposes for which we collected and used it and/or as required to comply with applicable laws. Dating and relationships are a personal exercise for each person, and as such people tend to use our dating site at different times throughout their dating lives. For your convenience, we retain your personal information until such time as you advise us to discontinue doing so. This data will also be retained to service your account, develop new services and products related to the Service, and as otherwise provided in this Policy. Our data retention policy may be amended from time to time.

Your account can be deleted permanently if you make a request or choose that option in the data panel. This is also known as a “right to be forgotten”. Please be advised that in some instances, such as compliance with applicable laws, or in order to police fraud on our site more effectively, we may not be able to completely comply with your request. We will advise you upon your request if this is the case, and let you know the reason we cannot fully comply, as well as which data points we will need to retain. Please also note that while data may be fully and permanently erased from production (live) servers quickly, you should allow up to 30 days for data stored on backup servers to be fully deleted.

Warning: Even after you remove information from your profile or delete your Account, copies of that information may still be viewable and/or accessed to the extent such information has been previously shared with others, or copied or stored by others. We cannot control this, nor do we accept any liability for this. If you have given third party applications or websites access to your personal information, they may retain such information to the extent permitted under their terms of service or privacy policies.


Wow, if you have reached this part, we are amazed! Last but not least, we want to inform you that we reserve to amend, update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time by publishing it on the website and without any further notice to you. Any such amendment will be effective immediately upon publication on the website. We respect your Privacy and we are committed to protecting the privacy of the users of this website. A summary of how this personal information will be used is set out in this privacy policy and we seek to use our best endeavors when it comes to the collection and processing of personal information.

Thank you and HAPPY DATING!