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Normal is a cliché, weird is fantastic.

Age 33 From Greene, Maine - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (720 Miles Away)

Shiny things distract me, the world is my theatre, and I live for those fleeting magical moments you wish you could catch on record. Few things transend a steamy cup of coffee and a great conversation. I yearn for a sophisticated, strictly platonic...

La seduction

Age 20 From Paris, Maine - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (705 Miles Away)

Seducteur , bavard , agreable , beau physique

Looking for a friend... Maybe more

Age 41 From Portland, Maine - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (703 Miles Away)

I am a nurse, a single mom, and a student! I love what I do and couldn't imagine being anything else. My daughter is my life. I never intended on raising her alone, but we have a pretty good life full of love. I started going to the gym last January...

fully able but willing

Age 41 From Saco, Maine - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (691 Miles Away)

I've been through a lot in my past relationships and I've always been the one to support and care in the relationship. I'm waiting for a prince charming to sweep me off my feet. Someone who really knows how to treat a lady.

Looking for a companion..

Age 47 From Charleston, Maine - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (790 Miles Away)

I am a 35yt olld white female 6ft 155lb brown hair and eyes. I am a single mother looking for the perfect man to spend the rest of my life with...

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