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Latest Members that have just signed up:

I'm authentic, caring, honest, & loyal

Age 52 From Winder, Georgia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (414 Miles Away)

I'm a 52 y/o divorcee who is looking for authenticity, honesty, loyalty & trustworthiness in a gentleman for a committed, monogamous ltr.

Who I am & what I like to do

Age 29 From Alma, Georgia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (583 Miles Away)

I'm average looking and I weigh about 170lbs. I work out by going to the track. I like to read, write songs and stories, and I like to check my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Yahoo pages. I like to listen to music, talk on the phone, text, and...

Country girl

Age 55 From Thomaston, Georgia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (493 Miles Away)

Laid back down to earth country girl,easy to please

Rescue me from financial drowning💸

Age 42 From Atlanta, Georgia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (429 Miles Away)

In need of search & rescue. 🛟💸

I'm too pretty to be working

Age 19 From Chauncey, Georgia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (536 Miles Away)

I like sunsets and fun colorful things. Nice clothes are nice but I've never had the money of them. I feel confident when I look pretty. I love attention

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