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Newest Members that have just joined up:

Looking for a good man that loves the Lo

Age 55 From Manchester, New Hampshire - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (633 Miles Away)

I describe myself to be a wonderful woman just as long as I have a good man beside me

Sexy, sassy, and smart!

Age 33 From Nashua, New Hampshire - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (626 Miles Away)

I would describe myself as adventurous and spontaneous. I love to cook, read, run, and travel. I adore hiking and the outdoors. One of my life's ambitions is to travel the world and see how other people live. Overall I would like someone to share...

believe you can and you're halfway there

Age 33 From Concord, New Hampshire - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (632 Miles Away)

fun, adventurous, smart, artistic, conversationalist, bubbly, and beautiful.

Searching for my last kiss

Age 50 From Manchester, New Hampshire - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (632 Miles Away)

I am a single professional woman looking for that special man to be my lover, friend, fellow adventure seeker and eventually husband. I speak English mostly. My other languages are very rusty, though I have a tendency to speak Spanglish around...


Age 38 From Claremont, New Hampshire - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (597 Miles Away)


hello people

Age 42 From Northfield, New Hampshire - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Sugar Baby Seeking Sugar Daddy (634 Miles Away)

i am a single 27 year old mother looking for someone to chat with...learn more in the chat

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