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Feature Members that have just signed up:

I don’t wanna have ****just a friend

Age 24 From Charleston, South Carolina - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Woman (1062 Miles Away)

I’m smart young pretty a mom and I love to cook

Hi! Please stay!🥺

Age 28 From Irmo, South Carolina - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (968 Miles Away)

I love reading & getting tattoos! I am a single mother!

I'm looking for Mr.right with no games

Age 53 From Columbia, South Carolina - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (986 Miles Away)

I love GOD im hard working I love to have fun. I have my own business so im not looking for a way out im looking for my king to do everything that I cnt do for myself..i wnt to travel, im looking for that guy who is looking for his #1 lady to treat...

Lover by nature

Age 31 From Mount Pleasant, South Carolina - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1074 Miles Away)

My name is Thando and it means love in my language. So yes I'm a lover not a hater, but I don't like drama and lies. I am single no kids and I was born and raised in South Africa and well I'm currently an aupair in Charleston . I have a BTEC in...

Live and love

Age 42 From Waterloo, South Carolina - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (916 Miles Away)

Just trying live for the best for my children

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