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Lover of happiness.

Age 50 From Portland, Oregon - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1369 Miles Away)

I'm looking for a kind soul and someone who is not condescending towards me or others.

I'd love to be your beautiful secret.

Age 20 From Halsey, Oregon - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1381 Miles Away)

I'm young, cute, talkative, bubbly, outgoing, and witty. I'd love to be your companion if you're willing to support me emotionally and financially.

Currently single and mingling…

Age 53 From Gresham, Oregon - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1365 Miles Away)

I’m about 5’ 8 1/2,I have red hair,brown eyes,tan skin,n long legs.I am very outgoing.I got a good job nice place and you should have the same just out here looking for my better half.Love the outdoors,traveling,and just bein around gd company.

Looking for love

Age 33 From Beaverton, Oregon - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1381 Miles Away)

A single mom looking for love and someone to help support me

Tall & Petite

Age 34 From Springfield, Oregon - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1366 Miles Away)

Im the best of both worlds. Beauty & Brains. I like hiking, swimming, thrift shopping and intellectual talks. Im a senior in college looking for my adventure partner.

Looking for my partner in crime

Age 38 From Eugene, Oregon - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1375 Miles Away)

Very blunt, shy at times as contradicting as this sounds I'm out going also, I'm a dog lover and mine goes every where with me, goal oriented, honest, loyal, funny, family oriented, umm I could keep going but let's be real no one wants to keep...

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