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Feature Members that have just signed up:

Wanr to spoil a good girl :)

Age 37 From St Paul, Minnesota - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Woman (618 Miles Away)

Later I'll fill this out and see if it 1iekabb

I am looking for fun and adventure

Age 42 From Mankato, Minnesota - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (633 Miles Away)

I've been single for awhile now and I would like friendship as well as a companion and partner. I'm not looking for anything serious, I'm wanting to be treated like a queen with respect and dignity. I am looking for someone who is mature and...


Age 51 From Saint Paul, Minnesota - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (618 Miles Away)

My name is Lisa. i am single i have no kids. i just got out of 4yrs relationship and right now i am taking my time to find the right man. someone i can get to know and hopefully get into a long term relationship if evrtything hit off. However i will...

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