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Hi everyone am new here

Age 23 From Ashburn, Virginia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1110 Miles Away)

Am Namukasa shammy from Uganda looking for serious white man for real relationship

Mi nombre es Rocío y estoy feliz de esta

Age 52 From Ashburn, Virginia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1109 Miles Away)

. busco mi pareja ideal una Persona de buen corazón que me ame y ame a los de mi alrededor,sea sincero,honesto,fiel,paciente

Looking for friends

Age 49 From Virginia Beach, Virginia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1195 Miles Away)

Love to meet new people and try new things

Hello, how are you doing today!

Age 45 From Martinsburg, West Virginia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1082 Miles Away)

I am a loving, honest person, who wants to be there for you!

Looking for fun 😉

Age 38 From West Springfield, Virginia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1122 Miles Away)

I’m looking for someone who can make me laugh, is adventurous and likes having a good time. I’m a girl who loves, music, books and creating memories. Want to know more, just ask 😊

I’d like 2 get the directions 2 ur heart

Age 53 From Cave Spring, Virginia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (981 Miles Away)

Let's see, I am very loyal and honest. I hate lies and deceit; I don't play games and do not like games played on me. Communication and friendship are vital in a strong relationship.

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