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like me for me not what I look like

Age 41 From Belle Fourche, South Dakota - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1110 Miles Away)

I am 26 and I have two kids I am a very outgoing person that likes to have fun. really I dont care if you have money Ijust thought I would look on here for a good guy I have tried other places but it did not work for me.

Looking for Love

Age 37 From Rapid City, South Dakota - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1073 Miles Away)

Smart, Interesting, Love to have a good time, I have a beautiful little girl.

Sweet as Candy

Age 40 From Betts, South Dakota - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (814 Miles Away)

Iam tooo sweet for my own good and sometimes it gets me in trouble. I enjoy the outdoors and the indoors as well. Iam pretty much up for anything.

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